Council Meetings Highlights

  1. CABF Cross Canada Conference - Excitement is building for the Conference on October 28 - 31, 2024 at First Baptist Church Halifax. Theme: Chaos and Christ. There will be worship, speakers, discussion and, of course, rich fellowship. More details are available here.

  2. Historic Ordinations Planned

    September 15, 2024:  Today the First Baptist Church Halifax congregation voted unanimously to ordain Luke Dowding and Andrea King--two Baptist Ministers from the United Kingdom who can not be ordained under the British Baptist Union. 

    They both have theological education from respected Baptist theological schools and have completed the baptist ministry formation process of the British Baptist Union of Great Britain but cannot be ordained because they are gay (an openly gay person can be ordained by the British Baptist Union only if they commit to celibacy). This was an existing regulation that was reaffirmed in April by the majority of churches and accredited ministers within the British Baptist Union of Great Britain.

    Both Luke and Andrea have been serving the larger church in phenomenal ways, within their churches and through their leadership of  OneBodyOneFaith.

    Recent discussions identified the possibility of First Baptist Church Halifax ordaining Luke and Andrea and FBCH asked the CABF to establish an Ordination Examination Council to discern their sense of ministerial calling and readiness for ordination.  The Ordination Council recommended both candidates to FBCH, with the resulting congregational decision on September 15th.  The opening and closing statements to the Ordination Council by the Rev. Dr. Rusty Edwards, Senior Minister at FBCH are available at

    Congratulations to Luke and Andrea. They will be ordained at FBCH on October 27th at 2pm. More details to come.