Policy Documents
At a Special Meeting of the CABF Membership held on June 16, 2022, a revised Credentials Policy was adopted and became part of the CABF Policies and Procedures Manual. You can view the current Credentials Policy beginning on page 31 by clicking the following link Policy and Procedures Manual.
This policy enables the granting of CABF Association licenses and the establishment of ordination councils. It also provides the procedure through which clergy accredited by other religious bodies acceptable to the CABF may be granted accreditation by the CABF, and the conditions under which authorization to perform marriages may be sought.
Special Note
Recent work by the Credentials Committee updated the Accreditation Policy to create a new category of accreditation to allow a local church to request recognition of a Local Church Minister. In some cases, a local church may not have a minister who meets the requirements for licensing or ordination. However, they have been called to ministry by the congregation and the congregation may wish to have this person recognized as a Local Church Minister. This would be particularly the case for part-time and multi-vocational ministers whether in a solitary ministry in a small church or those taking a specific ministry roll in a larger church. Unlike applications for Licensing and Ordination, which are initiated by the candidate, applications for recognition of Local Church Ministers are made by the congregation and remain valid only while the minister is exercising that role with that particular congregation. The revised policy is found on pages 31 to 46 of the Policy and Procedures Manual, approved by the CABF Council and ratified at the Annual General Meeting on Septemer 24, 2024, which is available here.
Application Forms
Click here (PDF) or here (DOCX) for an Application Form for those seeking accreditation with the CABF.
Click here (PDF) for or here (DOCX) an Application Form for those seeking accreditation prior to upcoming ordination in a CABF Church.
Contact the Chair of the Credentials Committee here.