The Canadian Association for Baptist Freedoms has established an on-going Credentials Committee consisting of a Chair and three members. The Committee is the first official contact for a candidate requesting accreditation or seeking ordination through the CABF.
This Committee is a nurturing one, assisting candidates for ordination in meeting the standards desired within the CABF as stated in its adopted policies. It advises the CABF Council of any application for ordination and the need for an Ordination Council.
The Credentials Committee receives and acts on requests for accreditation from previously ordained clergy. In cases of clergy misconduct, the Committee can take various disciplinary actions, up to and including revocation of accreditation.
The Credentials Committee acts on behalf of the CABF in recommending accredited clergy to the Province of Nova Scotia for inclusion on the Civil Registry of clergy authorized to perform marriages.
The Chair of the Credentials Committee is Rev. Dr. Rusty Edwards and he can be contacted here:
1300 Oxford Street, Halifax, NS B3H 3Y8
Email: Credentials Chair