Letter to Members and Friends of the CABF

The January, 2025 Letter to Members and Friends is available here.

We encouraged you to share this with those who you feel might be interested and to post it on your Church bulletin board.

If you have not received a copy of this letter in your personal email account and would like to receive future communications as soon as they are posted, just notify us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

--CABF Executive and Council


Join CABF in welcoming our newest member church, First Baptist Church, Saskatoon, SK.

Learn more about this congregation on their website: firstbaptistchurchsaskatoon.ca.


Some unscrupulous person has searched our website and found records of the Nominating Committee reports from former Annual General Meetings.  These contained personal information such as phone numbers and email addresses that were intended for Council use only.  This information has been used to send spam messages to Council and Committee members appearing to ask for the purchase of gift cards or similar scams.

Please do NOT respond to these requests as they are NOT from CABF, its Council or Committees.  These postings containing personal information have been taken down and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused. 

Progress Report from Special Project to Update the CABF Governance Structure

With the rapid expansion of the CABF in recent years, both with respect to the number and geographic distribution of individual members and member churches and the increase in the number of activities, such as the Cross Canada Conferences and contacts with other like-minded organizations within Canada and internationally, the time has come to review the Association's amended By-Law #2 to identify places where it can be updated and meet evolving needs.  The Policy and Procedures Manual will also need to be updated.

At its November 13, 2024 meeting, Council unanimously approved the following motion: "That the Consititution and Governance Committee be given a mandate to do a thorough review of the needs of the CABF organizations with regard to structure and governance and any necessary changes to the By-Laws, to position us to move forward as a national organization."

A copy of a document providing background and introduction to the Special Project is available here.

A number of people have agreed to join the Special Project Team and the team has had its first several meetings.  Tasks have been assigned to individuals or small groups.  On December 11, 2024, the Special Project Team started its monthly Zoom meetings with Council to report on progress and present the first few resolutions for updating the governance structure. 

The Terms of Reference for the Special Projects Team, were approved at the CABF Council Meeting on January 8, 2025.  A copy is available here.

One of the first issues to be addressed was the need to formalize the Executive Committee of Council, which is so crucial to the ongoing planning, organizing and implementing of the work of the Association.  For a number of years, the Executive had been operating on an infomal basis and had no written Terms of Reference.  At the January 8, 2025 Meeting of Council, a Resolution was passed formalizating the Executive Committee of Council and establishing its Terms of Reference.  A copy of the resilution is available here.  

Most of the Special Project Team work will be done behind the scenes, but it will meet once each month to review progress and prepare for the monthly meeting with Council to review options for potential strategies for each area where improvement is desired.  When completed, this work will come to a Meeting of Members for discussion and vote on a Special Resolution to amend By-Law #2 and make changes to the Policy and Procedures Manual.

Initial work has attempted to identify issues and opportunities for improving our processes.  We are looking for as broad input as possible and would welcome written submissions.  We are also happy to speak with you, if you would like a personal interview or to participate in a small focus group.  In any case, please contact the Special Project Team by using the Contact Us button for Constitution Chair at the right of this page or sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  We look forward to your input!

For additional information on this project, please click here.



Historic Ordinations

October 27, 2024:  Congratulations to Luke Dowding and Andrea King who were ordained at First Baptist Church Halifax this afternoon.

On September 15, 2024 the First Baptist Church Halifax congregation voted unanimously to ordain Luke Dowding and Andrea King--two Baptist Ministers from the United Kingdom who can not be ordained under the British Baptist Union. 

They both have theological education from respected Baptist theological schools and have completed the baptist ministry formation process of the British Baptist Union of Great Britain but cannot be ordained because they are gay (an openly gay person can be ordained by the British Baptist Union only if they commit to celibacy). This was an existing regulation that was reaffirmed in April by the majority of churches and accredited ministers within the British Baptist Union of Great Britain.

Both Luke and Andrea have been serving the larger church in phenomenal ways, within their churches and through their leadership of OneBodyOneFaith.

Recent discussions identified the possibility of First Baptist Church Halifax ordaining Luke and Andrea and FBCH asked the CABF to establish an Ordination Examination Council to discern their sense of ministerial calling and readiness for ordination.  The Ordination Council recommended both candidates to FBCH, with the resulting congregational decision on September 15th.  The opening and closing statements to the Ordination Council by the Rev. Dr. Rusty Edwards, Senior Minister at FBCH are available at https://fbchalifax.ca/blog/statement-from-rusty/.

A copy of the Ordination Service Program (with photos) is available at https://fbchalifax.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Andrea-and-Luke-Ordination.pdf.

A video of the Ordination Service is available at Ordination of Andrea King and Luke Dowding.

A copy of an article, with a photo from the Ordination Service, as published in Baptist News Global, is available at Two LGBTQ British Baptist ministers ordained in Canada – Baptist News Global.

New Catgegory of Pastoral Accreditation

At the AGM held on September 24, 2024, the members ratified changes to the Policy on Credentials Committee which had been recommended by the Credentials Committee and approved by the CABF Council. 

These changes have established a new category of accreditation to allow a local church to request recognition of a Local Church Minister.  In some cases, a local church may not have a minister who meets the requirements for licensing or ordination.  However, they have been called to ministry by the congregation and the congregation may wish to have this person recognized as a Local Church Minister.  This would be particularly the case for part-time and multi-vocational ministers whether in a solitary ministry in a small church or those taking a specific ministry roll in a larger church. 

Unlike applications for Licensing and Ordination, which are initiated by the candidate, applications for recognition of Local Church Ministers are made by the congregation and remain valid only while the minister is exercising that role with that particular congregation. 

The Policy on Credentials Committee, which includes this revised text is found on pages 31 to 46 of the updated Policy and & Procedures Manual, is available here.


Surrey, B.C., Church Switches Affiliation to be More Inclusive

A Surrey, B.C., Baptist church has switched its affiliation to a more inclusive religious group, more than a decade after a gay couple who were members forced a reckoning over how they were being treated.

Full News Story Available Here

Video Available Here  (starts at 18:51)

Canadian Council of Churches Research Position

The deadline for applications for this positin has been extended to February 21, 2025 with a preferred start date of March 1, 2025 (negotiable).

O’Gara Commision on Faith and Witness (CFW) Program and Research Assistant

Contract: Part time (20% FTE--7 hours per week), starting February 15, 2025, ending February 15, 2026.  Position description available here

Canadian Council of Churches Research Position

The deadline for applications for this positin has been extended to February 21, 2025 with a preferred start date of March 1, 2025 (negotiable).

Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning (FILL) Research and Program Assistant

Contract: Part time (30% FTE--10.5 hours per week), starting February 15, 2025, ending February 15, 2026.  Position description available here.