Council Approves Special Project to Update the CABF Governance Structure

There has been a rapid expansion of the CABF in recent years, both with respect to the number and geographic distribution of individual members and member churches and the increase in the number of activities, such as the Cross Canada Conferences and contacts with other like-minded organizations within Canada and internationally.  The time has come to review the Association's governance structure, including the amended By-Law#2 and the Policy and Procedures Manual, to identify places where these documents can be updated and meet evolving needs.

At its November 13, 2024 meeting, Council unanimously approved the following motion: "That the Constitution and Governance Committee be given a mandate to do a thorough review of the needs of the CABF organization with regard to structure and governance and any necessary changes to the By-Laws, to position us to move forward as a national organization."

A copy of a document providing background and introduction to the Special Project is available here.

A number of people have agreed to join the Special Project Team.  The team has been meeting regularly and a number of tasks have been assigned to individuals or small groups. The team has had monthly meetings with Council to report on progress and to seek Council's approval of recommendations as discussion of individual topics/issues/opportunities for improvement are completed. See details below.

Draft Amendments--Council Approves Draft Amendments to By-Law#2 for Presenation to Membership for Vote as Special Resolution

A set of suggested amendments to the CABF By-Laws has now been developed by the Special Project Team and has been approved by Council at its meeting on March 12, 2024 for presentation to the Membership.  Please follow these links to see detail of the proposed changes: 

- a copy of the presently in-force By-Law#2 is available here;

- a copy of the suggested amendments to By-Law#2 (in MS Markup) is available here; and

- a "clean" copy of what the amended By-Law will look like when all the amedments have been approved by the membership is available here.

Next Steps

These proposals will be presented to the Membership for vote as a Special Resolution at the time of the upcoming Spring Rushton Lecture.  Between now and the Meeting of Members, on-line (Zoom) "Town Hall" sessions will be planned for members to receive more information, ask questions and engage in discussion of what is being recommended.  If you would like to suggest a date and time for a Town Hall session, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Plans are being implemented to make members aware of this project, the issues and opportunitied for improvement being considered, the proposed amendments to the By-Laws, and the Town Hall Information Sessions.  

If you wish identify an issue or an opportunity for improvement, make suggestions, make comments on the work completed to date, please contact the Special Project Team by using the Contact Us button for Constitution Chair at the right of this page or sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  We look forward to your input!

More Information on the Special Project

A copy of the briefing package presented to Council on November 13, 2024, including Background, Mandate, Objective and Process (dated November 15 2024) is available here.  

Minutes of the December 12, 2024 meeting of the Special Project Team with CABF Council, including draft Terms of Reference for the Special Project Team and resolutions respecting the establishment of an Executive Committee of Council are available here.

The Terms of Reference for the Special Project Team, approved by Council at its January 8, 2025 meeting, are available here.

The Terms of Reference for the Ad Hoc Executive Committee of Council, approved by Council at its January 8, 2025 meeting, are available here.

The Terms of Reference, including Roles and Responsibilties of Council, approved by Council at its February 12, 2025 meeting with the Special Project Team, are available here

A series of 11 Resolutions related to the roles of Council and Committees, approved by Council at its February 12, meeting with the Special Project Team, area avaialble here.

CABF Constitution (the following documents are in force)

Our Constitution is comprised of two documents: the Memorandum of Association and the By-Laws, both of which have been passed as Special Resolutions by the Membership of the Association and have been accepted by the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, acting under authority of the Nova Scotia Societies Act.

Memorandum of Association

At a Special Meeting of the CABF Membership held on June 16, 2022, a revised Memorandum of Association was adopted which came into effect on July 11, 2022 when it was approved by the NS Registry of Joint Stock Companies. You can view the Memorandum of Association here.


At a Special Meeting of the CABF Membership held on June 16, 2022, amendments to Sections 54-59 of By-Law #2 were passed. The Registrar of the NS Registry of Joint Stock Companies approved of these amendments on July 15, 2022. You can view an Office Consolidation of the revised By-Law #2 here.

Policy and Procedures Manual

The Policy and Procedures Manual is a more detailed document that gets its authority from the CABF By-Law #2 (see above). 

Over the past year several sections of the Policy and Procedures Manual have been updated, with each amendment being approved by CABF Council.  These changes were ratified by the Members at the Annual General Meeting held on Septemer 24, 2024. 

A copy of the Office Consolidation of the Policy and Procedures Manual (as of September 24, 2024) which includes the above changes is available here.

A copy of the Policy and Procedures Manual containing the changes that Association Council has approved as part of the Special Project to Review the CABF Structure and Governance is available here.  Note changes on pages 10, 11, 55 and 56.  These updates have been approved by Council but not yet ratified by a Meeting of Members.

CABF Credentials Policy

At a Special Meeting of the CABF Membership held on June 16, 2022, a revised Credentials Policy was adopted and ws included in the Policy and Procedures Manual.  

This policy enables the granting of CABF Association licenses and the establishment of ordination councils. It also provides the procedure through which clergy accredited by other religious bodies acceptable to the CABF may be granted accreditation by the CABF, and the conditions under which authorization to perform marriages may be sought.

Please note that at the Annual General Meeting held on September 24, 2024, the action of CABF Council to approve further changes to the Credentials Policy were ratified by the membership.  These changes will creat a new category of accreditation to allow a local church to request recognition of a Local Church Minister.

To view a copy of the updated Policy on Credentials Committee on pages 31 to 46 of the Office Consolidation of the Policy and Procedures Manual, click the following link Policy and Procedures Manual.  

Click here for an Application Form for those seeking accreditation with the CABF.   Click here for an Application Form for those seeking accreditation prior to upcoming ordination in a CABF Church. (These forms are out of date.  Please contact the Credenitals Committee for current forms.)

Strategic Framework

Click here for a copy of the Strategic Framework which was adopted on 5 October 2019.